The Beast : It’s Always Something

Some nights I sit in bed, head propped up on three pillows, watching TV and for some reason thinking that if it can happen to us as Canes, it will. That Murphy guy had a point and while the latest news in Coral Gables isn’t great, it’s yet one more thing that this program will get through.

Let’s start with Jeffery Brown. In case you missed it, the redshirt freshman defensive end was charged with sexual battery on a helpless victim, according to Coral Gables Police.

It didn’t take more than a few minutes from the time the story broke, regarding this alleged crime, before UM took Brown’s name off the roster. I heard the news a little earlier in the day and in all honesty, had to pull out my roster to see if this guy was still on the team. No offense to Mr. Brown, but the last time he crossed my mind was Signing Day 2010.

Maybe I’m ignorant or just calloused, but I was surprised this was the lead story on all local news programs that day. That’s not to say sexual battery isn’t a serious crime. It’s disgusting and if the charges are true and Brown is convicted, he gets whatever punishment comes his way and them some. Still, if this were a sexual battery case at Miami-Dade Community College, a safe bet this wouldn’t have made the A-block.

Undoubtedly Brown put himself in a bad situation, but at this point he remains innocent until proven guilty, so let’s not rush to judgement yet.

As if the Brown situation wasn’t enough bad news, there have been rumblings about suspensions and transfers. Our good friend Chris Stock at is reporting up to four UM football players will miss time next season for incidents on campus.

Linebacker Travis Williams, one of the allegedly suspended players, is said to be contemplating a transfer. This came after news of defensive back Jamal Reid deciding to part ways with ‘The U’, which isn’t a surprise.

It’s normal for some guys to want to bug out when not on the same page with the new coach and his staff.

If Al Golden and his assistants thought that a guy could help this program on and off the field, said player would be made to feel at home. If certain players and the new staff aren’t on the same page, you’ll see more guys being shown the door. I believe there will be more transfers, though I’m not going to speculate on which guys might be leaving the program.

I have a theory about our recent rash of guys supposedly misbehaving. Brown aside, it looks like some guys thought the absence of Randy Shannon meant they were free to let loose, which is something that all these guys need to rethink.

To date, UM has not confirmed that anyone is suspended, so it’s possible that guys have been threatened with suspension – being told that following certain guidelines between now and August will ensure that the suspension will be lifted. Again, there are several scenarios there which don’t warrant speculation right now, but until UM officially gives a statement, we should let things play out.

I’ve been wrestling with formulating an opinion on all this. On one hand, we don’t have all the details of each incident that led to a suspension and again, aside from Brown, maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem. On the other, it was nice not having to worry about this kind of nonsense, while wagging a finger at other schools who had players in trouble.

Some will ignorantly say that you need some trouble-makers to win, but I don’t buy it. I think it’s possible to kick ass on the field, while behaving off of it. I also know that if the suspension reports are true, lessons are going to be learned. No one wants to lose playing time and we know this is a way coaches will make guys pay.

IN OTHER NEWS : Long time Maryland basketball head coach Gary Williams has announced his retirement and the first thing that crossed my mind; that Miami unintentionally dodged a bullet. What might’ve happened if this news came a few weeks back? Maybe a coach with a desire to make the jump to the ACC – one who at the time was coaching about thirty miles away – might’ve been interested in the job.

I don’t know if Jim Larranaga would’ve jumped at the chance to stay in the DC area, coaching the Terps as a member of the ACC, but I’m also glad we don’t have to find out. Maryland is currently a much better job than Miami.

The Terps have made is to the Sweet Sixteen – or further – seven times under Williams. They won a championship in 2002 and have had players like Joe Smith, Steve Francis, Steve Blake, Juan Dixon and even further back, guys like John Lucas and Len Elmore.

Maryland is arguably one of the top twenty jobs in the country and Coach Larranaga spent a good decade-and-a-half in the DC area and his son Jon is currently there, as well.

They say timing is everything so a hearty thanks to athletic director Shawn Eichorst for acting swiftly in regards to hiring Coach L. Had the search taken a few weeks longer, Tweets might’ve been sent to @TerpsCoachL rather than @CanesCoachL.

Speaking of Shawn Eichorst, I had a chance to do a one-on-one with him a few days back and it aired on this week’s edition of allCanes Radio. Shawn has been more than gracious with his time thus far and I look forward to many more interviews down the road.

Regarding our recent sit-down, I found Miami’s new AD extremely intelligent, very analytical and keenly perceptive. I also found him to be transparent and honest. He readily admits that he needs to spend some time watching the athletic department operate before forming any true opinions, which is a much better answer than something canned and not heartfelt.

I still have my fingers crossed that his family adjusts to life in South Florida than the Hocutts, but I’m truly hopeful.

See everyone at A-Rod Park this weekend as Miami takes on Hofstra! Go Canes!



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