More on the OB and the QB…

The morning after I’m still sort of miffed over how the Orange Bowl debacle played out. I see pics of the old girl and all I can do is recall the amount of memories made in that legendary stadium. But I’m also attempting to be logical instead of emotional.

I’m thinking back to the mere 75 or so uber fans who showed up for the Save The Orange Bowl rally a few weeks back in comparison to the amount of emails and message board posts stating what a tragedy this move is. Where were all the keyboard cowboys on that Saturday during the rally? What would the fate of the stadium have been if 7,500 showed up instead of 75? Would it have made a difference?

Probably not. The more I think about the situation and read about what went down, it seems there was truly no way the Orange Bowl could’ve been saved unless the city of Miami was proactive in their efforts. In the end, it’s not really about the $1.5M a year in extra revenue the school will pick up. It’s about the city truly doing what needs to be done to get this historic stadium up to par and the faith Miami’s administration had that city officials would get the job done.

I wasn’t in the meetings. I’m not one of seventeen Board of Trustee members. I’m not Donna Shalala or Paul Dee. I don’t know what was said at those meetings, but from what I read it sounds as if Miami’s admin left it all on the field. Everything from trying to bring FIU on board (a state school would receive state renovation money) to getting a soccer franchise on board, finding another location, raising financing, etc.

At day’s end, there was trepidation by both the university and the mayor’s office regarding forcing tax payers to pay upwards of $200M to fix a stadium which hosts 6-7 games per year.

It is what it is. Right now the thought of no longer playing in the Orange Bowl is a punch in the gut, but the decision has been made. There’s no reason to lament over it anymore. This fan base has six Saturdays and one Thursday night this season to soak up the environment. My advice is to get out there and make the most of it.

For those who missed today’s article in the Miami Herald by Dan LeBatard, check it out. Definitely not a piece for the bleeding heart Orange Bowl enthusiast, but if you think logically instead of emotionally, there are some good points here.

I’m still working on keeping logic in front of emotion right now because at day’s end, this situation still sucks and I can’t fathom playing anywhere other than the OB.

In other news… the quarterback controversy continues.

Kyle Wright and Kirby Freeman questions remain off-limits to members of the media. Ask other current Canes about who they feel is going to be ‘the guy’ and you won’t get a peep out of them.

Sam Shields: “I can’t say nothing about that. They’re both competing. Whoever is going to start is going to have to work hard.”

Lance Leggett: “Honestly, to tell you the truth, you never know who’s in. If you don’t look in the huddle, you won’t know who the quarterback is.”

Darnell Jenkins: “We trust both of them. I just feel both of them are competing.”

Boss Cane has laid down the law regarding players talking about who’s behind center and right now these guys remained tighter lipped than members of the CIA.

Talk remains that both #3 and #7 remain neck and neck for the starting gig. Is that the truth or nothing more than coachspeak or playerspeak as we’re nine days from kicking off the 2007 season?

Those supposedly in the know or the behind the scenes guys at practice are flooding the message boards stating that Freeman is outplaying Wright. He’s making bigger plays, throws a nicer deep ball and has that ‘gamer’ quality about him. Freeman feels this is his team and he’s ready to step up and lead.

As for Wright, things have been mum since a recent knee injury sent the senior to the sidelines for a few days. Word is that during the Wright hiatus, Freeman has picked up the pace.

If both guys are neck and neck skills-wise, the intangible has to be attitude and confidence level. Freeman seems to have the slight edge there as Wright has oft been knocked for being stoic and reserved. Almost robotic at times. Freeman got his feet wet last season when Wright was injured and the experience seems to have whet his appetite, making him hungry for another shot as starter.

If I had to place odds, I’m calling it 60/40 in Freeman’s favor right now. Wright has a few practices left to swing the naysayers back his way. We’ll see.

Stay tuned.




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