Hallowed Ground: Can’t be measured in dollars & cents…

A bud of mine sent me a message board post he came across the other day entitled “Hallowed Ground” in regards to the Orange Bowl. As I’ve said the past few days, I’m at the point where I can live with the move. It makes sense based on all the circumstances.

Doesn’t mean I don’t wish the OB received a $200M facelift and that we played there from here to eternity – but as a result of the city of Miami dragging ass and at the expense of playing in an unrenovated OB, I’m optimistic regarding the move to Dolphin Stadium… today. That could all change after a few cocktails this evening.

The “Hallowed Ground” post was a good one. I wish I knew who wrote it so I could give credit. Regardless, I’ll post it here. Always great to hear another Cane fan’s perspective regarding their personal Orange Bowl memories:

“Yes HALLOWED. I have been sitting next to my father in the same two seats in the West End Zone for nearly 30 years at that “dump” of a stadium. But let’s put it in perspective. It is a building consisting of little more than brick and steel. However, for those of us lucky to have been there for those “special moments”; you would swear that the old son of a bitch had a heartbeat. But now, because of decisions made over money and politics; that heartbeat will be heard only a few more times. Soon it will be silenced for ever.

Oh how it rocked when Kenny Calhoun started it all. When a lanky 19 year old freshman shocked the college football world by beating the almighty 1983 Nebraska team.

I swear it danced along with all the rest of us on September 3rd, 1988. Preseason #1 FSU came in with a rap video and left with a 31-0 ass whooping.

Third and 44 anyone? Most teams would run and punt against the #1 team in the nation. Not Miami, not with ND on the other side……NOT IN OUR HOUSE.

And how it let out tears of joy when (Willis) McGahee took a screen pass 68 yards in 2002.

These are just a few moments that are etched in my heart and soul. Do other teams and stadiums have memories like this? Of course they do. But these belong to us. I have plenty of friends who are fans of the Michigans, Floridas, and Florida States of the world. And you know what, they are right when they say their stadiums are nicer. That they have replay screens, comfortable seats and clean bathrooms. They poke fun at our old friend; the chipped paint, the neighborhood, the parking, and anything else they can repeat over and over again. Funny thing is, they are right. The funnier thing is, we use their insults as a badge of honor.

So yes; we play football in the hood. We have bleacher seats in the west end zone and the bathrooms reek of piss. But after November 10th; no Saturday afternoon will ever be the same. I hope we win again soon and power is restored back to where it belongs once we move to Dolphin Stadium. Winning and getting back to our ways will certainly ease the pain. But winning will be a little emptier knowing that we left our old friend behind.

So thank you Old Buddy. For after divorces, moves, and relocations; you have been my most consistent home. I have seven more dates with you. Only seven more times of tailgating next to a polluted river and walking down an avenue where barely a word of English is spoken. Only seven more times will I feel the nostalgia I felt so many times before. So after providing a home for me and my family for so long. It is our turn to give you shelter in our hearts and memories. Good bye old friend.”



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