Latest allCanes Photoshoot Is A Wrap

miami hurricanes merchandise apparel the u allcanesA special thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s photoshoot on the University of Miami’s campus, including the family of Hurricane great Greg Mark, as his wife Jessica brought Remi, Reilly and Phoebe down to the event.

We had a nice little turnout and got some great pics at the alumni center, Mark Light Stadium, the SAE frat house, other assorted on-campus spots, as well at at allCanes.

Tons of new merchandise is rolling in and will continue doing so between now and kickoff late August. Keep checking back. Also, a new-look will launch this summer, where the majority of these pics will be featured. Stay tuned.

More photoshoots forthcoming so members of the U Family between the ages of 18 and 32 (or in that ballpark), email us your pics and we’ll get back to you. Always on the hunt for models. Go Canes!

