The Beast : Frustrating

For as long a I can remember, Tuesdays have been my favorite day of the week during fall (besides Saturdays, obviously).

Why? Because on Tuesdays the head coach of the University of Miami football team has his weekly press conference and we in the media get a chance to talk t the players.

While there’s some other availability after practice on both Tuesday and Wednesday, our weekly media avail on Tuesday has always been the best way to get our grasp regarding what’s going on with this team.

In all the years I’ve covered this program – sixteen now – today was an all time low. Never before have I seen a Tuesday media day attended by only three players.

The Randy Shannon press conference runs from about 11:30am until noon and from noon until 1:30pm is when we normally have player availability.

I left the Edgerrin James Conference Room around 1:30pm and as of that time only LaRon Byrd, Ryan Hill and Micanor Regis had shown up to meet the press. I applaud those guys for coming out to speak with us, but only three of eighty-five is absolutely unacceptable.

There was a chance of Eduardo Clements and Allen Bailey dropping by after I was slated to leave, but I was skeptical as practice wasn’t too far off.

(Editor’s Note: Clements and Brandon Washington did show up after I left. Still, five out of eighty-five is unacceptable.)

In the past we were inundated with players. It honestly wouldn’t be uncommon for over a dozen guys to be available on any given Tuesday.

More disheartening than the lack of numbers today, a statement from No. 13.

As Ryan stopped in to talk with us, we thanked him for doing so and he said something to the effect of, “I figured I’d do it since my teammates don’t want to”.


I remember covering this team in 1999 after Miami lost a heartbreaker to No. 2 Penn State. Mike Rumph was up there answering every question we had about getting burned by Chafie Fields on the game-winning score.

Did we chew the kid out for getting torched? Of course not. If anything, we felt bad for him and had our kid gloves on, cutting him some slack as he was obviously reeling.

Hearing today that guys didn’t want to face the music after a loss; that really upset me.

Coach Shannon claims he doesn’t read the newspaper, the blogs or listen to sports talk radio, but I have a message here that I’m hoping he’ll see.

Randy, I can help you – as can fellow members of the media. If you don’t encourage your kids to talk. If you put a gag order on your quarterback. If you silence your assistants and coordinators … how ARE we supposed to help fight for the cause?

How am I personally supposed to defend you and this beloved program if I have zero information to pull from?

This isn’t a rant from an angry media member. This is a plea from an alumni and a self-proclaimed homer. I am rooting for you and I want to have your back.

Somewhere there has to be a direct correlation between toughness both on and off the field.

Being allowed to sit in the locker room while three of your teammates go and face the music with the media? Doesn’t seem tough to me.

There’s been a lot of talk about this team’s offensive identity and I for one would love to go to the source, talking to Mark Whipple about it – but you won’t let that happen.

Coach Whipple is a grown man. He’s won a national championship and he’s coached in the NFL. If he can’t handle a few softball questions from me, this program has bigger problems than originally thought.

I know there are other college football programs that have a restrictive media policy, but last time I checked there wasn’t much by way of competition for headlines in Tuscaloosa or Gainesville.

The Canes are competing with four professional sports teams and a handful of other local and statewide college teams. There’s a reason that up until a few years ago, UM had one of the most open media policies in the country. “The U” needs coverage to compete.

Your approach of locking everything down isn’t working. We in the media would love to be on your side, but you have to help us help you. This fan base wants to hear from your players. The people that buy merchandise, season tickets, watch on TV and donate to this program – they want the story.

The more you lock us (the media) out, the more you lock the fans out and in the end, aren’t you playing for the fans?

At the end of the day we know that wins and losses are all that really matter, but putting up blinders to the other stuff is a gross miscalculation.

I’ve been hoping there’d be some adapting on the fly, but it’s yet to happen. With four games remaining things need to change. The media doesn’t deserve another Tuesday spent waiting for players to no show it absolutely unacceptable.

You’re trying to mold men, aren’t you? Days like today it’s not so obvious.

IN OTHER NEWS: Wednesday’s night’s edition of allCanes Radio will broadcast live from allCanes from 7-9pm ET and will be action-packed. We have the following guests on deck – Santana Moss, Rocky McIntosh and Bobby Hill. We’ll also hear from Micanor Regis, basketball coach Frank Haith and Coach Shannon.

Don’t forget that if you drop by allCanes while we’re broadcasting live you’ll save 20% off all merchandise.

If you can’t make it down, listen online or stream live through the allCanes iPhone App!



21 thoughts on “The Beast : Frustrating

  1. Just further proof that Shannon might not know how to completely manage/run a football program and is not head coach material. It seems as if the more criticism he gets, the more closed off/controlling/arrogant he becomes and he is literally turning supporters of him and the program against him. He needs to learn that UM football is bigger than him, despite you being a player, coordinator and now HC, and people are growing tired of your antics. Things such as this are overlooked if you're winning, not the case when you are losing to the likes of UVA. This is just sad.

  2. The players and the coaches dont owe you(the media) or us(the fans) anything in the way of talk. Their job is to focus on Maryland, not talk to a bunch of fickle media clowns. The less they talk to the media and more time they spend in the film/weight room, the better.

  3. The players and the coaches dont owe you(the media) or us(the fans) anything in the way of talk. Their job is to focus on Maryland, not talk to a bunch of fickle media clowns. The less they talk to the media and more time they spend in the film/weight room, the better.

    Nobody owes anybody anything, but you're missing the point here

    If Randy Shannon's MO was working, the Canes were losing 1-2 games a year, getting to the ACC title game, winning some BCS games and occasionally in the title hunt, no one would give two s**ts how he dealt with the media.

    When you're losing and you're aloof, closed up, standoffish and cryptic, you invite the criticism.

    Today was media day and an hour was designated to talk the media – after another loss – and less than a half dozen guys showed up as they didn't want to "deal".

    Every team in the country is game planning for this weekend and they all have coaches who know how to work the media, making their players available.

    Randy has an issue with the media which is a shame because if you play the game, the media can be a great PR tool and ally – and Miami athletics needs all the good pub it can get. Period.

  4. Great points, Beast.

    Read on Gary's site some quotes from Eduardo Clements today. He was talking about having to "take the weight off of Stephen Morris" this week.

    A guy with 8 carries for 32 yards, who hasn't had a touch since carrying twice against Florida State is explaining how he and the running backs need to help the new quarterback.

    How about we let Damien Berry, Lamar Miller, Mike James and Graig Cooper talk about what they'll do with the rock before we get Eduardo's opinion.

    Not knocking the kid, but I want to hear from our first and second string running backs on media day. Not our fifth.

    Wake up and get a clue, Coach.

  5. I thought Ryan Hill said the teammates don't want to talk. If he's(Hill) allowed to talk then the rest of the guys can, it has nothing to do with Shannon. Shannon has a gag order on Harris not the whole team. I want him out personally but he's getting blamed for oil spills like the the President.

  6. On 790 The Ticket this AM, "inside the U" stated that the Canes only have 7 commits for next yr. It was also stated that recruits have not been invited to attend home games as Randy plans to focus on recruiting in Dec & Jan. When asked if he was aware of any other team in the country doing the same, the reporter's comment was "no".

    Not good.

  7. Seems like another great example of how this team is a reflection of its coach…

    For those of you who think that a coach does not need to motivate, maybe your right… BUT he does need to serve as an example for his kids. A coach who has mental lapses, is uninspired, and shuns the fans and media will produce a team with the same attitude.

    Randy Shannon's insecurities are weighing heavily on this teams character.

  8. I thought Ryan Hill said the teammates don't want to talk. If he's(Hill) allowed to talk then the rest of the guys can, it has nothing to do with Shannon.

    Bullshit. That has everything to do with Shannon.

    I don't give a damn what these kids 'want' to do. Grow up. Face the music.

    When Miami beat North Carolina these kids wouldn't shut up – dancing all over the field and rambling on for anybody with a tape recorder.

    Lose and they want to go into their shell, talking to nobody.

    THAT IS ABSOLUTELY on Shannon. Forget a gag order, if he wants to turn these boys into men he needs to teach them to face the music.

  9. Randy is acting like a little bitch when it comes to the media and now he's fielding a team of little bitches.

    Way to lead by example, coach. Way to build character, you fraud.

  10. Very curious to see if the "Crickets" carry over to the student section this week. How many will show? I know some students who have stated the 12 Noon games will be very poorly attended. With the stadium a 1 hour bus ride from campus (yes 1 hour factor you factor in traffic around the stadium), don't expect too many college kids to roll out of bed early on a Saturday morning to go see which team will show up, especially after the performance in VA last week. Does this kind of attitude suck? Yes, but it is yet another reality this program has to deal with. The AD has his work cut out for him to turn this ship around.

  11. Beast – If UM was undefeated right now and the same thing happened (only 3 players showing up, no talking to the QB, etc) would you still be as angry? Would this post still have been written? Just curious.


  12. I don't understand the over reaction to not having anyone to speak to on media day.

    So what if Shannon or Whipple don't come running to the podium to answer for the 24-19 loss to Virginia, I don't understand what that will solve.

    As a member of "the media", I wouldn't demand a coach to answer for their short comings and feel this is just a flaw that makes Miami and its supports so unbelievably demanding.

    We lost a game because our QB was injured early and for 3 quarters we looked like a chicken with no head. Morris wasn't mentally ready. Would you be ready if you went from red shirt to signal caller? I highly doubt it.

    Bash me if you will, but Shannon, Whipple and the entire roster knows what they have been doing wrong and don't need to come answer questions so that the media can feed on every word that comes out of their mouth.

    The problem with Miami is their overwhelming demand to return to the likes Michael Irvin, Andrew Johnson and Ray Lewis. Many forget that these are kids, and those who set the foundation before them were men. Men who went on to be hall of fame players in the NFL.

    And to respond to the "Fire Shannon" cries, I totally disagree.

    Randy Shannon is the only thing that has been ethically sound in college football in this tainted era. Call me a dreamer or call me naïve but he is one of few who has implemented what ever coach in America should be implementing: a good person first, football second.

    It's just my opinion, I'm sure I'll get slammed by the die hard, Miami faithfull but oh well.

    Go 'Canes,
    The 1 'Cane who still wants Shannon here
    – JDL

  13. If UM was undefeated right now and the same thing happened (only 3 players showing up, no talking to the QB, etc) would you still be as angry? Would this post still have been written? Just curious.

    Beast can speak for himself, but I think I get his point.

    After the win over North Carolina it seemed every player who played a snap wanted to talk to the media about the victory.

    Then after a loss, guys want to hide and not face the music.

    You can't ride your cornerback like a horse, slapping his ass as you exit the field after a victory and then come back with a 'no comment' the week of a loss.

    That's cowardice and in conjunction with Shannon's MO of molding young men, he's letting them off the hook when he should be teaching them a lesson.

  14. Call me a dreamer or call me naïve but he is one of few who has implemented what ever coach in America should be implementing: a good person first, football second.

    I'm not a fan of good people. I don't pay to see good people. I can go to church and hang with a room full of good people. I like good people, but football is an angry game played with a chip on your shoulder. Not ring around the rosie or duck duck goose

    Play Angry,
    Play with an FTW attitude
    Play Smart (Not this team)
    Hit hard, and the canes should always beat the jobbers of the NCAA instead of being one

  15. One more thing, I feel for you Beast. Not you but the media in this town is not really on this teams side. Meaning, the local media stations (Miami & Palm Beach) can't seem to cover this team right. We have no coach's show in Palm Beach don't know about Miami. Plus how about the BullSh_t of not having an away game on TV. {DUKE game}
    This one I gotta say if only 3 guys showed up it is a sign of the lack of accountability on the team amongst the players

  16. I generally agree with your assessment allcanes. This was a good piece. I have been a lifelong Miami fan from Pensacola (there are not too many of us in Northwest FL as you can imagine) and Miami gets virtually no coverage in the local sports market as it is dominated by UA, Auburn, UF and FSU. I grew up cherishing the U and would have loved to have put on the most beautiful helmet in all of college football. I was not good enough…went to a military academy instead but have always cherished Miami football. One of the great moments for me was qb'ing Pensacola High School in the state semi-finals against Tarpon Springs and playing against Leonard Conley who went on to start as a freshman for JJ. I say all of this because Randy is slowly but surely letting the historic aura and mystique of Miami fade and this is deadly. For those my age, we remember what it was like. For the current crop, they were babes and there is no conscious and deliberate effort to tie the past to the future with this coach…it is exasperating to watch. As a cadet at USMA, I remember Heisman trophy winner Pete Dawkins talking to us after practice about the traditions of Army…where in the hell is Vinny or Gino or Jim Kelly or a host of other greats??? I love this man in terms of what he stands for but he absolutely has not idea how to motivate from week to week and tie these kids to the greatness of the past and hold them to a higher standard…that is a must and things will not change for this program until either he begins to recognize this or someone else replaces him who does. Fan base enthusiasm is at an all time low…I will be at the GT game next week and will assure you there won't be many in orange and green. He not only doesn't motivate his team, he is uninspiring for fans as well. Could you imagine Nick Saban saying that the loss of Ingram would impact his team to the same degree that Randy made excuses about the fragility of this team's psyche after J12 went down??? Pathetic, and unacceptable! Keep up the good work and let's hope he gets the message!

  17. "I don't understand the over reaction to not having anyone to speak to on media day.

    So what if Shannon or Whipple don't come running to the podium to answer for the 24-19 loss to Virginia, I don't understand what that will solve.

    As a member of "the media", I wouldn't demand a coach to answer for their short comings and feel this is just a flaw that makes Miami and its supports so unbelievably demanding.

    We lost a game because our QB was injured early and for 3 quarters we looked like a chicken with no head. Morris wasn't mentally ready. Would you be ready if you went from red shirt to signal caller? I highly doubt it.

    Bash me if you will, but Shannon, Whipple and the entire roster knows what they have been doing wrong and don't need to come answer questions so that the media can feed on every word that comes out of their mouth.

    The problem with Miami is their overwhelming demand to return to the likes Michael Irvin, Andrew Johnson and Ray Lewis. Many forget that these are kids, and those who set the foundation before them were men. Men who went on to be hall of fame players in the NFL.

    And to respond to the "Fire Shannon" cries, I totally disagree.

    Randy Shannon is the only thing that has been ethically sound in college football in this tainted era. Call me a dreamer or call me naïve but he is one of few who has implemented what ever coach in America should be implementing: a good person first, football second.

    It's just my opinion, I'm sure I'll get slammed by the die hard, Miami faithfull but oh well.

    Go 'Canes,
    The 1 'Cane who still wants Shannon here
    – JDL"

    Best. Comment. Ever.

  18. When Shannon was first given the oppurtunity to be head coach of this program, I was estatic. Seeing him come in and revamp Miami's image and make it a clean and respectable program was outstanding. I also marveled at his skill for recruiting and praised him for his hard nosed, "down to business character. I'm starting to realize now, and it deeply saddens me, that Shannon isn't fit for a head coaching position. He and the staff he's assembled lack emotion, passion and don't possess the skills needed to develop the raw talent these kids have out of high school. It's evident by the play of this team in YEAR 4. They lack emotion and discipline on the field and they have done nothing but regressed on the field as upper classmen. It's a shame. When a team you've coached for 4 years are playing like freshman out of high school, you KNOW the problem is THE COACHING, no question about it.

  19. ML,

    Thank you for informing me that football is a tough, mentally and physically challenging contest in which the best of the best knock heads for 48 minutes… I had no idea it was any more demanding than "ring-around-the-rosie" or "duck, duck, goose."

    I think you're forgetting that a college, such as Miami, is a post-secondary educational outlet where students, and athletes, go to better themselves both socially and scholastically. This is the problem with fans, alumnus and the general audience. This isn't a business, and any inclination that it is, is wrong.

    Randy Shannon has taken what the entire nation notoriously dubbed "Thug U" and turned it into a zero-tolerance, upper-echelon academic program. Why is that such a horrible thing to see?

    Don't get me wrong, I was one of the bleeding hearts (allCanes can attest to that) and it used to ruin my weekend when Miami would lose. But as I grew older, and wiser, I realized that football isn't forever. It's the same thing I tell my 15-year-old brother who is inspiring to be a pro athlete…There will come a day when each member of that football program will be without football. When that day comes, will you be able to look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that "you will be alright?"

    They are kids, many from broken and crime-ridden communities, that will be graduating with a degree from one of the finest academic universities in the nation. They will be equipped with the tools to reverse their fortune and start a new life for themselves and their families…

    That's something you, as a fan who "doesn't pay to see good people", is willing to sacrifice because the football team won't win 12 games a year annually?

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