Behind The U : Custom adidas Hurricanes Cleats

It’s the type of video the old schooler and purist probably won’t care about. Can you just envision them now; pecking away feverishly on they keyboard, starting another frustrated message board thread.

Ranting and raving about how cleats don’t matter, show the vintage Canes respect by playing with swag and then some trail-off about how adidas sucks and Nike was the best—complete with some coaching insults just for good measure.

Something like that, at least.

Those yahoos aside, the rest of the fan base should appreciate the latest “Behind The U” piece released this week, focusing on the 100-plus pair of hand-customized cleats Miami will be sporting against Nebraska this week.

Marcus Rivero of Soles By Sir was commissioned to take on the project and put in upwards of 500 hours to make each pair of shoes an original work of art. The video details his process, the unveiling with the players and tells the story behind the project.

Again, while those living in yesteryear might not care about fresh kicks—rest assured those kids running out the tunnel today are digging this; as well the recruits in the crown and current high schoolers plotting where to ink their names on Signing Day.

Yes, winning is the most important aspect of all this—but we’re living in an era where bells and whistles count for something. The fringe benefits and ways that schools out-do each other with these little finite details; they count, for better or worse.

Great job by both Rivero and adidas.


