I’m looking at ESPN.com right now, in amazement. Call me crazy, but were there not three scandals in the sports world this past weekend? If so, how come it’s early Tuesday and the scandalous headlines have already been buried?
This is the same network that spent six days running hourly footage of the Miami/FIU brawl a week ago, yet is ignoring this weekend’s big news.
In the past 48 hours we’ve seen 1) last year’s NFL defensive rookie of the year testing positive for steroids, 2) a pitcher in this year’s World Series accused of cheating and 3) talk of NCAA football’s all-time winningest coach feeling the heat in Tallahassee.
Where are all the big headlines and color photos, ESPN? How come every writer on staff hasn’t chimed in yet regarding this week’s big news?
For those who missed it, San Diego Charger Shawne Merriman received a four-game suspension Sunday, testing positive for a banned substance. Later that evening, in Game Two of the World Series, Detroit pitcher Kenny Rogers had an amazing outing.
It proved to be too ‘amazing’. FOX’s HDTV cameras captured a clear shot of pine tar on Rogers’ palm.
Down south, there were rumblings out of Tallahassee that the boosters are calling for St. Bobby’s head. The game has passed him by. Step down and bow out gracefully. A young, aggressive coach to usher in 2007.
Sounds like two cheaters and a bunch of ungrateful hypocrites, if you ask me.
ESPN ran brawl footage on a constant loop, yet where is any real prying into the ‘roids situation and pine tar scandal? Jayson Stark has already dubbed the fiasco, “Dirtgate” – conveniently taking those nasty two words (pine tar) out of the equation
Both could be blown way out of proportion and could steal headlines, but ESPN doesn’t want to feel the wrath of Major League Baseball or the National Football League. Especially with a vested interest due to Monday Night Football and a working relationship with the NFL.
In the world of college coaching, the media has been all over Larry Coker this season. Some of it deserved, but most of it has been piling on and kicking a good guy when he’s down. I’m not talking about local South Florida reporters who know the program and have covered the beat for years. I’m talking about the national guys who don’t have their finger on the pulse.
Six months ago, Coker was Teflon. Untouchable. Everyone in sports journalism was getting his back because he’s a good man, won a title year one… blah, blah, blah.
Coker caught a little slack after the loss to Florida State but the media’s 180 came after the 31-7 loss at Louisville.
The ‘logo stomp’ was blown WAY out of proportion. It happens a few times per season in college football and is a footnote regarding the actual game. A week ago Dartmouth and Holy Cross had a ‘logo stomp’ incident AND a midfield brawl. No one batted an eye.
The Miami fight? Viewed on YouTube.com over 1,000,000 times last week thanks to ESPN’s ’round-the-clock coverage, piquing interest.
Why isn’t ESPN sending Joe Schad to the Panhandle this week for some ‘investigative reporting’ on the “Trouble in Tallahassee?”
Everyone rides Hurricane Faithful for being too hard on Coker, setting the standard too high and being ungrateful for what he’s done for the program this decade. Yet when the game’s ALL TIME WINNINGEST COACH is catching heat at Florida State, it gets a short and sweet summary on Page Two.
Seminoles Boosters are writing in and telling president T.K. Wetherell that it’s time for St. Bobby to step down.
Recently launched www.RetireCoachBowden.com is live and states:
“We think it is time for someone in the FSU Administration to tell the Emperor he has no clothes…it is time to let our Legendary Coach retire with some amount of class and dignity. Let 2006 be the swan song year so FSU can look ahead to the future with a new, younger direction, with an active Head Coach who actually coaches in the game.”
Miami fans are considered ingrates for frustration with a sixth-year coach who’s record got progressively worse each season. Yet the Seminoles Boosters are catching no slack for comparing their legendary coach to a fictional buffoon in a children’s book?
Don’t get me wrong, if I’m diehard Florida State, I’m probably helping lead the charge. My issue isn’t with passionate fans venting their frustrations. I take offense to the media bias. Seminole Nation doesn’t deserve a free pass here.
If the media is going to call the anti-Coker contingent “spoiled” they need come up with a much more effective adjective for the Florida State faithful trying to run a legend out of town. It’s only fair.
If you’re going to trash Miami, trash everyone else when they’re deserving of criticism.
Joe Schad? Pat Forde? Beano Cook? Gene Wojciechowski? Mark Schlabach, self-appointed Mr. ACC? Someone speak up. Y’all sure had your opinions on the Miami brawl. (Bill Curry had an old school, but fair assessment of the situation.)
I’m curious to see what, if anything, unfolds this week. Merriman. Rogers. Bowden. Something has to be more important for your homepage than a frustrated shot of Bill Parcells from the Monday Night Blowout as well as the ‘in-depth’ analysis of Tony Romo. (Why doesn’t he just go by ‘Anthony’ and end all the lame rib jokes?)
Just sweep the important stuff under the rug, ESPN and give a double dose of the sensational filler. If you ignore it long enough, it’ll eventually go away and no one will notice.
No one except the program you raked over the coals last week.
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