Oh, what the OB could be…

What could and should be versus what probably will be. Saw these pics months back and had them forwarded to me over the weekend. Artist renditions of what COULD be done to the Orange Bowl IF the City of Miami held up their end of the bargain, IF our administration chose to head down that path and IF things fell apart regarding talks with H. Wayne.

The Canes move north to Dolphin Stadium seems fait accompli, but I’m still holding out hope that something can be saved. There are rumors that some Board of Trustees members aren’t 100% sold on the move, will miss the tradition, prefer the Canes stay put, will only sign off IF the deal to move north is damn near perfect.

Donna Shalala has backed some of that talk up, but again, we know business is business and if there’s a way to generate a few million per year in revenue for Miami’s athletic department, tradition can’t hang with dollar signs.

Again, I’ll go on record saying that leaving the Orange Bowl would be an absolute blow to the program. All the money in the world won’t give the Canes they home field advantage they receive on Saturdays at the OB. There’s nothing in the world like it, when the Canes are clicking on all cylinders.

This is Canes305 officially putting a hex on Miami moving north. Down with Dolphin Stadium. Long live the Orange Bowl. B.O.T. members, think with your heads AND your hearts when making this decision.

There are some things money can’t buy and years of tradition are one of them. Don’t rip the soul out of this program for the sake of concessions revenue and a Jumbotron. That’s pathetic.



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